Havertown United Methodist Church offers outreach ministries for our community.

Children's Ministry
About our Sunday School:
Our Classes are divided up into three groups with two teachers in each group.
-PreK (ages 2-4)
-Elementary (ages 5-10)
-Youth 11-17
Offering Fun Bible based curriculum with creative crafts.
Youth Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022

Hope Food Bank
Our Food Bank distributes food and other items the third Saturday of each month at the Hope building 1108 Steel Road, Havertown - Noon to 1:30pm.
Donations of food can be delivered on the second Saturday from 10-11am.
Monetary donations are accepted by two methods:
1. Mailing a check made payable to HOPE FOOD BANK to the Hope Food Bank, 1108 Steel Road, Havertown, PA 19083.
2. Donating by PayPal use email: hopeumcfoodbank19083@gmail.com

United Women in Faith
United Women in Faith is the new name for United Methodist Women, beginning in 2022. The emphasis is on welcoming new women of all ages and expanding it beyond members of the Methodist Church. We believe love in action can change the world. We’re a sisterhood acting in faith to improve the lives of women, children, and youth. We connect spiritual women to act boldly for justice.

Outreach Programs
Havertown United Methodist Church supports a number of outreach programs including:
Family Promise of Delaware County
Church World Service Blanket program
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Monthly service at Wesley Enhanced Living
United Methodist Neighborhood Services (Philadelphia)
United Methodist Missionary
The 2024 General Conference has issued some highlights of global ministries. You can read the text of this HERE
Links to United Methodist Mission organizations:
Missionaries we support

The Rev. Mutwale wa Mushidi and his wife Kabaka Alphonsine
Kabaka Alphonsine is the United Methodist missionary that Havertown UMC is supporting in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She is the director of the pre-school program for mostly orphaned children, and she also directs the work with women who are taught skills such as sewing dresses and making purses to have items to sell to support their families.
To become a member of Havertown UMC, call 610-789-1700 or email Havertownumc@gmail.com